Just You
Pause. Breathe. Reflect.
You've been hitting the same walls over and
over again.
You feel stuck and frustrated and like moving forward isn't possible.
You are confused why your best intentions are constantly self-sabotaged.
You've taken millions of personality tests and they all leave you in the same place --
a box.
What if you could shift the conversation?

Why 1:1 Teaching & Coaching Is For You
Discovering your Enneagram type can be one of the most freeing and frustrating experiences. There is so much to digest, and a lot of it feels uncomfortable. Sure, it's amazing to feel so known and understood, but it's also disconcerting to face the mirror so starkly. At this point, most people laugh it off and casually throw out a digit when someone asks their "number."
But not you.
You know there's more to unearth here than just a fun dinner party convo. You've seen the change that's come over your friends who have done the inner work specific to their type, rather than wearing it as another badge of honor or shame. And you're curious or desperate enough to want to explore if this tool could help you, too.
Good news? It can.
Hard news? It takes some work.
Best news? You are worth it.
If you want to take your growth to the next level, let's chat. Because life is too beautiful and full of opportunity to stay stuck for too long. Enneagram work is most effective in the context of conversation, so the options below are just that: good conversations together that get straight to the heart of you, empowering your voice, shifting your narrative, and making sense of the story you are living.

Make Sense of Your Story
Six 60-minute Sessions
+ 60-minute Typing Session
Are you ready to live freely and fully? These six sessions are designed to take you through intensive work on understanding the Enneagram system, recognizing how your patterns are connected to your type structure, and equip you with practices to grow in freedom right from where you are. Includes a mid-program typing session to discover or confirm the type with which you lead. This package is repeatable with continued content.
Continue the Conversation
Single 60-minute Sessions
*for current & previous clients
Need to process a situation through the lens of the Enneagram? Want to focus on one specific area of learning? Individual sessions are available after a package has been completed. Use this time to refresh, strengthen, and realign your perspective using the wisdom and knowledge you've gained.
Expert Training
Twelve 60-minute Sessions
+ 120-minute Personal Coaching Session
You've been doing the work, and now you want to help others do the work. In this in-depth training, we dive into the Enneagram system as a whole, taking a thorough look at the dynamics and layers of the Enneagram, all nine types, and all 27 subtypes. Excellent for those who are in a position to share the Enneagram as part of their job, ministry, or volunteer work with confidence and expertise, without needing certification.