You + A Lot
Pause. Breathe. Get Excited.
You need a speaker for your conference to inspire and encourage.
You are hosting a retreat and want to help your attendees re-connect with themselves.
You're thinking of spicing up your women's night with conversations that run deep.
You are planning a seminar for your large group or company to provide tools for greater productivity.
You plan the event -
I'll bring the Enneagram!

Why An Enneagram Speaker Is For You
What constantly fascinates me about the Enneagram is how widely applicable it is to every topic and situation I've ever encountered. Business? Check. Parenting? Absolutely. Grief? So much yes. Relationships and work and faith and art and sports and health and creativity and productivity and finances and politics?? Mmhhmm.
You name it - I can speak to it because the lens of the Enneagram adds a new perspective that speaks directly to the heart of it all.
And I love nothing more than equipping an audience with a tool that allows them to see beyond the limits to which they've unconsciously agreed.
You could change everything for someone right now. Or many someones. Drop me a line and let's chat about how the Enneagram could be just what your stage is looking for.