One of the things I love about the Enneagram is that there are many layers and elements to explore, reflect on, and understand. It provides a beautiful framework for recognizing how we operate and how to grow from there. We’ve been looking at some of the foundational building blocks of type structure to develop awareness and learn how to catch it action so we can live more freely and fully.
The deeper we go, the more we discover. While there is plenty more to study, for this series we are going to focus on just one more piece – the Defense Mechanism.
The metaphor I use most often regarding type structure is that of a corset wrapping itself around who we were created to be to shape and protect us, misaligning our inner operations, and cutting off our innate life-giving capabilities. From the outside, it appears to be us. It holds us up, giving us a framework for support, and creates the image we desire. If the other elements of type structure we’ve discussed create the corset itself, then the Defense Mechanism is the ties that pull tight and hold it all together.
The Defense Mechanism is an automatic reaction to pain, frustration, discomfort, or anything that feels unacceptable to the type structure’s goals. When we are triggered, our defenses pop up in to protect and preserve us, and to reassure us that our Ego Idealization is intact. Because it is a knee-jerk reflex, we are often unaware of this process even happening. But once we become aware of it, we begin to see how it influences nearly every response to anything remotely resembling discomfort.
The Defense Mechanism keeps us from challenging the belief that our Desperate Desire is attainable and our Frantic Fear is avoidable.
You are more than your Defense Mechanism, but it will dictate your response when it is allowed to operate without restraint.
We each embody all nine types to a certain extent, so you will likely see several Defense Mechanisms at play – especially the ones with which your type connects. The Defense Mechanism of the type you lead with will likely be the one operating most frequently, the one that instantly comes to the rescue of thwarted desire, bruised ideal, or fear come true.
In order to truly find freedom to live fully known and fully loved, we must stop relying on the Defense Mechanism to protect and soothe us. When we see it pop up, we can be curious about why it appeared. What was being triggered? How were my motivations at play? What am I avoiding? What might happen if I sit with the pain or discomfort instead of utilizing my Defense Mechanism?
Our Defense Mechanism doesn’t need to have the last word. But until we explore how it operates and replace it with healthier tools, it will dictate our response and sabotage our true desires.
Defense Mechanisms (and the images maintained*) by Enneagram Type
One: Reaction Formation – altering one's true feelings and pushing them through a filter until the response given is acceptable or what one assumes is the expected response, therefore maintaining the image of the “good person”
Two: Repression – pushing down, controlling, and ignoring one’s own feelings, needs, and desires to be more available to meet the needs of others, therefore maintaining the image of the “loving person”
Three: Identification – finding or creating a sense of self in work, roles, activities, or characteristics rather than from the self within, therefore maintaining the image of the “effective/successful person”
Four: Introjection – absorbing into oneself the perceived negative emotions, voices, and experiences of others without discerning the truth or positivity, therefore maintaining the image of the “authentic/deep person”
Five: Isolation – withdrawing physically, mentally, and/or emotionally from others to protect and preserve resources and resist interruption, therefore maintain the image of the “wise person”
Six: Projection – taking what is felt within and putting it on others, often denying it to be true of oneself, therefore maintain the image of the “loyal person”
Seven: Rationalization – processing emotion through the mind center to avoid being bogged down by feelings, explaining away anything that feels uncomfortable, therefore maintaining the image of the “joyful person”
Eight: Denial – rejecting discomfort, pain, and blame for unwanted feelings, thoughts, or actions as if it doesn’t exist, therefore maintaining the image of the “powerful person”
Nine: Narcotization – using any means necessary (drugs, shopping, food, entertainment, etc) to numb unwanted feelings, cope with conflict, and distract from taking action, therefore maintain the image of the “peaceful person”
There are so many tactics and strategies that these Defense Mechanisms generate. While you may not see your Defense Mechanism exercised in the same way another person of your type, it will always come back to __________ in order to serve our motivations.
Keep observing. Keep asking why. And then ask yourself, “Is this really what it will take for me to be fully known and fully loved?” The more we sit with it, the more we feel the Defense Mechanism’s grip loosen.
One step closer to freedom.
*”Images maintained” from Jerome Wagner’s Ego Ideals in Nine Lenses on the World
